First Editions

Venture first editions are created to be original. A collection that allows us to explore designs in different artistic styles and cultural influences produced and available in a limited quantity. First editions will feature crafted designs and collaborations in a creative outlet to become collected as the rare pieces special to the Venture Brand. Each release is a representation and a reflection of the the artists’s mindset.

Our culture is searching out the rare in this life and through the first edition collection we find a way to authentically put ourselves out there with untested and un-calculated designs true to the creative and artistic process. Each design will be uniquely its own and not to be repeated. 

We reserve these for our Venture crew who are the only ones to have access and ability to obtain the first edition releases, for our crew, the first edition is our brand in its purest form. Limited. Rare. and Authentic. So sign up for the Delicate Few as the only way to know when a new release drops is by becoming part of the crew.